What's to be done about Algernon

On Friday we were treated to an incredibly accomplished script-in-hand performance by Michele O’Brien, Kevin Burke and Tony Horitz.

So why did we put this performance on and what has it got to do with In Jolly Good Company? Well, we are very lucky to count Michael Allen, an accomplished author and playwright, as one of our guests at our Wimborne Jolly Days, held at the Museum of East Dorset.

Our Jolly Days are uplifted by many visits from talented artists, dancers, musicians and actors and Michael asked one of our visiting actors, Michele, to consider his script. She was so impressed with the quality of his writing, that she offered to play a part and invited two other local actors, Tony and Kevin to take the other parts.  

Michele commented that Michael’s writing was so evocative that her performance did not feel like work. The play was a joy to watch, and I could feel the audience around me being drawn in, it was very easy to forget that the actors were reading from scripts as their performances were so captivating. We are so grateful to all three of them for giving their time and talents for free and even providing their own excellent props, costumes and even music – we couldn’t have asked for more!

We were also delighted that 60 people turned out on a dark and wet evening to enjoy Michael’s play and celebrate its rebirth with us. Thanks to donations on the door and a raffle we were able to raise £500 towards keeping our Jolly Good work going.  But most importantly of all, Michael at 84 and living with dementia got to see his great play performed to an appreciative audience once more.

Caroline Tennent

I’m a web designer and I love creating beautiful, affordable websites that work hard for small businesses. Simply put, a business needs a website to reach more customers. It needs to look good but it also needs to work hard. That’s where I can help, I build cost-effective, good looking websites that are both mobile and google friendly.


Thank you to our amazing volunteers


Celebrating Remembrance Day at Wimborne at our St Giles Jolly Day