Jolly TV

Dorset Council has launched a new project to digitally connect some of our most vulnerable residents during lockdown.

It’s in its trial stages at the moment and if it’s successful, the scheme could be rolled out to more residents as part of their social care package. So far digital devices have been given to 30 residents who would normally attend daycare centres, to enable them to take part in virtual one-to-ones with carers and attend online day centre activities.

And that’s where we come in… In Jolly Good Company were invited to create some content that viewers would find interesting and engaging. I asked my son James to help and he agreed to use his many skills (proud Mum moment here) to film and edit for us. we are making short nature-based programmes filmed in and around Wimborne St Giles for people who cannot get out or go to their usual groups and Day Centres.

I think you’ll agree the results are lovely. It’s nice to be reminded of what a pretty village we are lucky enough to live in. Huge thanks to James Rampton for his considerable filming and editing talents and to Kate Hosstinger Robson for the accompanying music. You can watch all the episodes below. Do come back and visit this page again as we’ll continue to add more episodes. Enjoy!

A big thank you to Magic Little Grants for our £500 grant which enabled us to create some of these short films. The money was provided by Localgiving in partnership with the Postcode Local Trust, a grant-giving organisation funded by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
